Literary agencies in california

Faye atchison with margret mcbride literary agency. The hill nadell literary agency was founded in 1979 in san francisco. Literary agencies in california list of ca literary. Literary agencies in california list of ca literary agents and. List of california literary agencies finding a literary agent aevitas creative management. She teaches fiction in the master of professional writing program at the university of southern california, and a class on noir, focusing on films and mystery. Betsy amster with betsy amster literary enterprises. Founded in 1992, the bj robbins literary agency has become one of southern californias premier boutique agencies, having nurtured the careers of a wide array of awardwinning and bestselling authors including james donovan, j. Maarten troost, stephen graham jones, and deanne stillman. Who we are we are a midsize literary agency specializing in childrens literature, celebrating thousands of titles sold since our founding in 1981. The knight agency is a worldrenowned literary agency that has guided countless writers from query letter to published book for over 20 years. Literary agents california free directory of book agents. California literary agents youll find in the directory of literary agents include.